Brakes are a major safety item on your car, without good brakes you could be in big trouble and maybe putting yourself and other road users at risk.

So when dealing with the brakes on your car you want to be assured that the person working on them has the training and skill to perform the job correctly.

If your brakes are squealing, pulling the vehicle to one side or making your steering wheel shake, then it’s time to see us.

Brakes can degrade slowly due to simple wear and tear, which can make it difficult for vehicle owners to see the changes. We can test your braking system and make any repairs necessary. Brake hoses and fluid can also be checked and replaced if necessary.

If you have any problems, or notice changes in your vehicle’s braking performance, come in and see us. Sometimes it can be a simple case of brake dust causing the brakes to squeal, but our technicians can identify and fix the problem, giving you peace of mind.

Woodman Automotive machine brake rotors/drums in-house

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